Finding Stability in Uncertain Times
As physical therapy clinic owners navigating through uncertain economic tides, it’s natural to feel the weight of responsibility on your shoulders. However, amid chaos, there lies an opportunity to cultivate a calm yet confident atmosphere within your practice. Picture this: amidst the uncertainty, your clinic stands as an oasis of assurance, where staff and clients find solace in your unwavering composure. Systems4PT EMR and Billing and Collections are your partners in finding stability in uncertain times so you can focus on your patients, staff, and future.
Reduce Documentation Time & Improve Compliance
Could you use a bit more “control”?
As patient volume returns to normal, keeping everyone safe is a full-time job. “Normal” is three times harder than ever. THE LAST THING you need is to spend your nights and weekends catching up on documentation. It’s vital that you recharge, rejuvenate and take a much-needed deep breath during these times. Systems4PT will lower your documentation time by 50%. Wouldn’t it be great to reduce documentation homework and find more “calm”?
Could you use a bit more “confidence”?
As patient volume increases so do nagging concerns about documentation compliance. Defending eval code severity, defending each CPT code’s impact on the identified functional deficit(s), complying with the 10% de minimis rule: How many of your last 10 evals include the 200 to 500 words of defensive documentation required? Why not let Systems4PT recommend this defensive documentation for you? It happens touch free, in the blink of an eye.
Could you use more cash?
Systems4PT’s integrated software reduces the risk of denials and works to get you the maximum payment by minimizing common errors, such as incorrect coding, missing documentation, or incomplete information with the following built-in features:
- Patient Eligibility Technology (that integrates with the payer’s database)
- HardStop™ validation that blocks staff from submitting claims that don’t comply with payer rules.
- Collection activity driven by technology and automated monitoring ensures that every unpaid claim is called every month.
These are just a few examples of our collection technologies. We are calmly confident that Systems4PT will increase your collections by 9.5%
Speaking of cash. Systems4PT costs 30% less than you spend for EMR and billing today. Your EMR promises to help P.T.s achieve greatness. But that can’t happen in an underpaid world of homework and burnout.
Systems4PT’s strategy is to deliver the highest technology at the lowest cost. There are no hidden fees or surprise costs for features and services. Just one flat rate.
Next time you can squeeze in a lunch break, let’s chat. You’ll learn to better “control the things under your control.” This will help you increase your control, confidence, and cash.
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