Patient Portal
Our platform lets you give your patients the convenience and control of pre-visit registration forms that can be completed prior to their evaluation!
Caring for Patients Requires Time and Patience
The first visit for a patient can be very stressful when they have to fill out forms answering questions about their general health history, their medications, the condition that is bringing them to the clinic, their pain level, and their functional ability. It is time consuming, and they feel pressured to finish quickly.
The Patient Portal allows the patient to do all this in the comfort of their home. After scheduling their first visit, they receive a link to a site where they answer all these questions including questions specifically chosen for them based on the condition they are seeking treatment for. The site is completely HIPAA compliant, so patients don’t have to worry about any compromise of their information.
Reduce waiting room time with automated documentation
Our system data mines the Patient Portal results building on average, 1,250 words of defensible documentation that demonstrates medical necessity. The documentation then populates your fully interactive evaluation template with the following information:
- Patient Account Details
- Medical history & Current Medications
- The Patient’s work, school, and living status
- The Patient’s Chief Complaint & Concern
- Patient Pain Scale Rating results
- Prior level of functionality
- Functional Outcome Test type, date, & disability index score
Have this data at your fingertips before the patient arrives!