What to do about Patient Dropout?
Signs of Patient Dropout
Preventing patient dropout in outpatient physical therapy requires a proactive approach that focuses on patient engagement, effective record keeping, and building a supportive therapeutic relationship. There are signs your clinic is at risk for patient dropout. Do you have trouble keeping track of which patients need to be scheduled? Who needs an authorization or new script? Have you ever realized you hadn’t seen a patient in a while but can’t find documentation that they were discharged? Let Systems4PT’s keep your staff ahead of the curve with our Work List – an integrated task manager built to prevent lapses in treatment, interruptions to insurance coverage, and missed patient communications.
Work List Task Manager
Systems4PT monitors your records and schedule for patient absences and lapses in visits. – Your front desk staff will be prompted by the Work List to contact active patients that have not been discharged, have no upcoming appointments, but have remaining authorized visits. Patient retention rates are higher when clinics are pro-active with missed or canceled appointments.
Our Work List also combats some of the biggest culprits of interrupted treatment plans. With Systems4PT, your front desk staff will have a comprehensive list of all patients that require a new script, authorization, or plan of care for medicare patients.
Communication with Patients
Systems4PT also offers integrated appointment reminder communications. Sending appointment reminders via phone call, text message, or email, clinics can effectively remind patients of their upcoming appointments, ensuring they have ample time to plan and prioritize their attendance. This simple reminder can significantly reduce the number of missed appointments, which is a common reason for patient dropout.
By leveraging the capabilities of Systems4PT EMR, outpatient physical therapy clinics can take proactive steps to combat patient dropout. Improved communication channels and ongoing support, coupled with transparent tracking and progress monitoring, create a patient-centered environment that promotes engagement, accountability, and ultimately, better treatment outcomes.
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