The Solution for PT Practices Trapped by Declining Revenue
Thousands of practice owners feel trapped by declining revenue because…
- Their slow ‘checklist’ style EMR slows down their documentation preventing them from seeing more patients
- They are seeing declining reimbursements despite stable treatments because their billing solution isnt submitting clean, effective claims.
- They are being nickeled and dimed by extra fees by their EMR
The problem:
These practice owners desperately want to leave their underperforming EMR/billing software. However, because of poor collections, their practices lack the cash reserves to weather an EMR/billing transition.
These Practice Owners Are Trapped
Observing this growing trend, Systems 4PT has innovated a reliable solution.
The Stress-Free Installation™
- The practice treats and bills with the old EMR as they normally do
- But new evaluations are documented and billed on Systems 4PT
- There is no sudden “shock” of change
- There is no downward pressure on the already meager cash flow
- This results in a gradual transition:
- Every day, documentation gets a little faster
- Cash strengthens as collections increase an average of 9% for the claims billed through Systems 4PT
- This happens without paying Systems 4PT anything.
Unlike your nickel-and-dime EMR, Systems 4PT is a trustworthy business partner.
We take the financial risk.
That’s how confident we are in our product’s performance.
With the Stress-Free Installation™, the practice owner verifies that documentation is faster and more compliant, reimbursements are paid sooner, and rejections are fewer. The practice owner verifies this while still working 95% on the old EMR. Systems 4PT clearly demonstrates that the current problems are solved before any significant transition occurs. There are no costs. There is no risk.
The process is a gradual transition; every day, fewer and fewer patients are treated using the old, underperforming software.
Three to five weeks later, the practice owner finds themselves on solid ground:
- Documentation is much faster and much more compliant
- Reimbursements are measurably stronger
- EMR, billing, and management reporting are now integrated within a single database
- Performance and control are higher than with the prior EMR/billing software
- And the practice owner hasn’t even paid Systems 4PT a penny
- Finally, once transitioned, Systems4PT always costs less than the prior EMR/billing software
If you’re one of the thousands of practice owners who are trapped by declining revenue, give us a call. Let’s have a “glass half full” conversation for a change. We’ll show you the solution, and you can speak with other practice owners who were once “trapped” but are happy and in control today.
Free Yourself from Your Current EMR Trap
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