The Fastest Evaluation in Outpatient Rehab

Take a look at the Evaluation below. This is what a Systems 4PT evaluation looks like when it’s first opened before you even type one keystroke!

Based on evidence from the patient’s current and prior encounters, Systems4PT recommends an average of 1,250 patient-specific words, all of which can be edited. Based on the therapist’s clinical judgment, the following topics are recommended with more evidence-based compliance than you have time to type.

  • Functional Deficit(s)
  • Forecasted Severity at Discharge
  • Defense of the Eval Code Severity (per CMS guidelines)
  • Functional Goals
  • Clinical Rationale

New for 2021

Warns therapists about signing a Medicare eval if 97530 or 97150 are charged.

  • The therapist is advised about how to proceed with full payment

Confirms that the medical necessity for 97140 has been documented on a Medicare eval.

  • And if so, the necessary modifiers are added, touch-free, resulting in full payment

Includes intuitive, touch-free assistant modifiers for every Medicare visit.

  • Recommends therapist vs. assistant unit coding, consistent with Medicare’s 10% de minimus rule, for every Medicare visit

Recommends defensive documentation to comply with Medicare’s new assistant modifiers

  • “Who” delivered “how much content” is documented touch-free, for every CPT code submitted with every Medicare visit

Since 2013 you’ve read that Systems 4PT delivers twice the compliance in half the time.

For eight years, you’ve said to yourself, “I’ll wait for my EMR to catch up.”

2021 is the latest reminder: Your EMR is letting you down as it continues to fall further behind.

Dramatically improve your Medicare compliance with an evaluation that takes half the time vs. how you document today.

Treat More, Type Less

More Articles by Systems4PT

Let’s talk about how S4PT can help your clinic get more!

Interested in a free demo or business consultation tailored to your physical therapy clinic? Complete the form or call the number below today!

(814) 624–0084

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