The $10,000 Your EMR Won’t Let You Collect
You could add $10,000 to your bank account, right now. However, a design flaw in your EMR does not communicate that this money should be collected.
As you know, during Q1 large deductible balances are transferred to patients. You have accumulated roughly $10,000 of patient deductible balances in your billing system. How it Should Work:
With Systems 4PT, when a patient checks in for treatment, your Front Desk Staff sees the deductible balance due:
Here’s The Problem…
Coinsurance and deductibles owed by the patient do not appear on the front desk schedule because billing is in a separate database . Front desk staff see this amount due:
You’ve Just Identified the Problem
There is $119.16 owed
But Your Front Desk Staff See $0.00 Due
30-Second Process to Determine if Your EMR Shows Deductible Due:
This time of year, every Medicare patient (who does not have a secondary), and most patients with commercial insurance, owe a deductible balance.
- Looking at today’s schedule, ask your Front Desk Staff,
- “Nancy at 10:00, how much deductible does she owe? Not copay, show me deductible.”
- “William at 1:00, he’s a Medicare patient. How much deductible does he owe?”
If your Staff can’t show you how much Deductible is due, you have the $10,000 problem.
Important Perspective:
This Isn’t a “Bad News Realization”
This is Fantastic: There’s a $10,000 Bonus Waiting for You!
(and more comes due every month)
Systems 4PT’s technology will increase your collections per claim in 2021. Some of our key benefits vs. your current EMR:
- ALL PATIENT BALANCES DUE are displayed at the front desk
- Twice the compliance, documented in half the time
- Our EMR increases collections an average 10% to 13% vs. every other system (We measure before and after with each installation)
- And we charge 35% less vs. what you pay today for EMR and billing
Your EMR promises to help therapists achieve greatness. Have they kept their promise?
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