Is Documentation Taking the Joy out of Treating?

Therapist feedback from our recent blog, Therapist burnout is Hotter Than Ever, was overwhelming:

One frustrated therapist responded,

“Documentation Takes the Joy Out of Treating”

Therapists described spending more time documenting than treating patients.  Feedback included: I’m treated like I’m a “robot”, not a Doctor of Physical Therapy.

This is Unsustainable

Given the technology available in 2021, there is no reason why you should spend more time documenting than treating.  In fact, there is no reason why you should spend more than 10% of your time documenting.

Your EMR Is the Problem

And We Have Fixed It

Systems 4PT EMR:

  • Extracts the patient’s medical history from the electronic check in portal
    • Medical history, patient concerns, medications, outcome test name, date and score are all auto filled in the evaluation. Touch free
  • Systems4PT recommends an average 1,250 patient-specific words in each evaluation
    • If you type 60 words per minute, this saves you 20 minutes of typing
  • Most System4PT daily notes are signed at point of care, not at home
    • And (from our analysis of 650,000 daily visits) we’ve proven that point of care documentation does not negatively impact patient progression
  • “Stress Free” installation
    • Conversion is a gradual, relaxed process.
  • For 35% less than you spend today for EMR and billing

Your patients deserve better

You deserve better

Let’s put the joy back in treating patients

Treat More, Type Less

Sign Up for a Free Demo


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