Empowering Patients to Discover the Benefits of Physical Therapy
Whether I am at the office, on the golf course, spending time with family and friends or just in my everyday encounters, I often find people that can benefit from the treatment of a Physical Therapist. The problem is, the average person doesn’t know how accessible Physical Therapy can be. Most people assume PT is only something you do after surgery or a joint replacement. The average American doesn’t know what PT can do for them nor do they realize how often insurance will pay for it.
Early intervention by a Physical Therapist after many common injuries that most people just ‘deal with’ until the pain subsides, can prevent lifelong problems. Not having an injury properly treated can lead to surgery in 10 or 20 or even 30 years and/or limited mobility that can last a lifetime. Helping the average person discover the benefits of PT and helping them determine what their insurance covers and requires, such as Direct Access, needs to be a top priority.
I hear all the time that only a small minority of people that need Physical Therapy get Physical Therapy. This needs to change and we need your help! Over the coming weeks and months, Systems4PT will be publishing a patient education page on our website, along with digital documents and media, that can be used by anyone at no cost. We will also be promoting the advantages of PT on our social media channels directed at people that need care that can be provided by Physical Therapy. Our teams sees many Physical Therapists post information on social media about how to get PT treatment and we love that. We’d like to help grow that message. If you would like to help create content for this effort, please message me or post a comment about how you would like to be involved.
Educating people about PT and what PT can do for them is one of the keys to making our communities across the country healthier and happier. Let’s work together and make it happen!
With Regards,
Landon Shaw
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