Which EMR Delivers the Highest Customer Satisfaction?
EMR. The three letters that everyone loves to hate.
Increasingly, EMR providers are discussing Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys, gauging customer satisfaction levels with various EMR systems in the rehab industry.
A “Net Promoter Score” is a one-question survey, “How likely are you to recommend a product to a friend?” Net Promoter Scores range between -100 and +100. An explanation of how scoring is interpreted is shown below.

In the spring of 2019, Systems 4PT conducted a nationwide net promoter survey with our customers.
Systems 4PT’s score was +58 points* (Excellent)
Recently, another leading EMR discussed survey findings where, industry-wide, rehab therapists rated satisfaction with their EMRs at -24 points. That’s negative 24, (Not Good).
The president of that EMR then said that customers rated satisfaction with her EMR at +34.8 points. (Good)
Systems 4PT is Proud to Have the Highest Customer Satisfaction in the Industry
- Our Patient Portal, which collects a detailed medical history, integrates with our EMR
- Our EMR then data mines that medical history (as well as prior episodes of care) and auto fills an average 1,250 words into each evaluation. Touch-free and in the blink of an eye
- If you type 60 words/minute, this auto-fill documentation will lower your evaluation documentation time by over 20 minutes for each eval!
- Our Scheduling Module guides staff to create clean claims that get paid. Patient names are color coded on the schedule when all requirements for billing have been met.
- Compliance and payments are maximized because Systems 4PT’s HardStop™ technology won’t let staff sign registrations or claims that don’t pass the payer’s rules. First-pass claim acceptance averages 99.87%
- Our US-based Customer Service answers the phone, and tech support is available 24/7/365
- Billing is integrated in the same database with EMR and scheduling. Co-insurance and deductible balances due are visible to front desk staff on patient intake, increasing collections an average 4% over non-integrated billing
- Collections average 9% higher than our customers’ prior approach to billing. We measure before and after with each installation
- Our MIPS workflow averages 20 seconds the 7-19 minutes required with any other EMR
- Nationwide, Systems 4PT practices’ average MIPS score is 94.8 points, which is near the top of “Bonus Territory”
All of the above are provided for less than what you pay today for a non-integrated, checklist EMR.
Systems 4PT is proud that our customers are 67% “more satisfied” than the next-highest reported EMR
* Important Note: We conducted our NPS customer survey before we announced ending Q2 YTD trending MIPS scores (which averaged 94.8 points, which is near the top of the MIPS bonus pool). Conducting our NPS survey prior to announcing MIPS scores was intentional. We believe NPS results would have scored even higher after the Q2 MIPS scoring announcement.