Recently, an EMR used by rehab clinicians began communicating pricing for MIPS participation. According to their customers, the EMR charges $150 to $300 per therapist per month!
A practice with four therapists will pay an extra $7,200 to $14,400 annually!
It is unclear why the EMR is charging clinicians so much. One theory is that the venture capital bank that owns the EMR is simply out of touch with the realities of outpatient rehab. If you are outraged by your EMR’s pricing for MIPS, call Systems4PT, where MIPS reporting is included under your one flat monthly rate.
Sign up for a demo where you’ll see…
- EMR that documents twice the compliance, in half the time
- Our U.S.-based employees who work every unpaid claim before the claims age 30 days (vs. an India-based stranger who works the claim after 90 days, maybe)
- Which delivers an average 9% increase in reimbursements (because claims are worked vs. ignored)
- That costs 1/3 less than you’re paying today
Along with:
- A 20-second MIPS workflow that is more compliant than anything you’ve ever seen
- Patient engagement, integrated outcome tracking, QCDR registry reporting and end-to-end electronic MIPS submission, provided at no extra charge
Systems4PT has been working with PTs since 2003. Because we’ve always been stable and profitable, we are owned and managed by the founding management team, not a bank. We’re in control of our future and our pricing.
Systems4PT provides the fastest MIPS workflow. With the highest compliance in the industry. At no extra charge
Don’t let overreaching bankers hold your compliance hostage. You deserve to work with a trustworthy business partner.
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