MIPS Bonus $$ – Rehab Practices Win BIG!
CMS has announced that exceptional MIPS scores from 2019 will yield bonus dollars in 2021.
63% of Systems4PT practices scored 100 points in 2019. Our nationwide average MIPS score was 95.6 points. Did you participate in MIPS? What was your score?
MIPS has been a stunning success for Systems 4PT practices
Based on exceptional 2019 performance, MIPS rebates will be applied to all Medicare and Medicare Advantage payments in 2021.
The MIPS bonus nearly ELMINATES the 2021 Medicare fee schedule cuts
Factoring in the Jan. 5th, 3.33% revised CMS PFS adjustment, most Systems4PT practices will see a net reduction of only 0.5% in their 2021 Medicare fee schedule.
Suddenly, MIPS is looking very attractive.
No other EMR has the technology needed to match Systems4PT’s MIPS performance. The same is true with documentation technology and integrated billing technology. Nothing comes close.
Should your practice participate in MIPS for 2021? (Which will earn 2023 bonus dollars)
Systems4PT’s MIPS technology delivers:
- 10-second average documentation time
- QCDR submission
- Quarterly scoring updates
- 2021 Medicare fee schedule lowered by a net ½ of one percent!
- All provided at no additional charge
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