How Your EMR is Hurting Your Practice

Billing Integration

Your EMR: Billing is not integrated. Deductible and coinsurance balances due are not visible during patient check-in, which lowers your revenue by 4%.

Systems4PT: Billing is integrated with the same database as EMR. Deductible & Coinsurance balances are displayed & collected during patient check-in

Patient Visit Count

Your EMR: Because patient visits aren’t counted as “consumed” until the note is signed, more visits can be opened than are authorized

Systems4PT: Visits are counted as consumed when the note is opened. The patient visit count is accurate; you don’t treat for free.

Eval Documentation

Your EMR: Patients report pain, aggravating/relieving factors, concerns, medical history, PLOF, and meds on intake. The therapist types all this a second time in the eval.

Systems4PT: All this patient data is imported into the eval from the Automated Check-In patient portal. Treat More, Type Less

Therapist Burnout

Your EMR: Encourages therapists to ask for more time off

Systems 4PT: Innovates faster EMR that eliminates documentation homework, the major cause of therapist burnout

MIPS Support

Your EMR: No scoring updates throughout the year. Practices could improve but are not alerted to problems.

Systems 4PT: Quarterly MIPS updates by measure. Practices react & improve their scores. Average 2020 trending score: 95.2 points


Your EMR: Rationalizes low collections by reporting continually declining reimbursements industry-wide.

Systems 4PT: The addition of new technology has increased average collections per claim each year for the past seven years.

9% Medicare Fee Schedule Cuts

Your EMR Tells you to advocate

Systems 4PT: Supports advocacy and offers three different ways to fully offset Medicare’s 9% payment cuts.

Appointment Reminders, Scan Storage, Outcomes Tracking, QCDR MIPS Submission, Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Your EMR: Additional add-on charges for each of these

Systems 4PT: Provided at no additional charge. EMR, billing & all the extras for 30% less than you spend today.

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(814) 624–0084

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