Can MIPS Offset Part of Medicare’s 9% Reduction?

With Medicare’s looming pay cuts nearly 100 days away, everyone is looking for offsets.

While we’re all hoping that advocacy will reverse the pay cuts, it’s important to remember that 32 other medical sectors are slated for cuts as well.  And the highly funded lobbying groups for some of these disciplines will likely be more effective than the APTA.

Perspective: So far, the response to our advocacy to reverse Medicare’s 8% cuts

Was that Medicare increased the cuts to 9%!

You need a Plan B

Systems4PT practices are taking a multi-tiered approach to offsetting Medicare’s 9% fee cuts.  One of our tactics is MIPS.  Beginning 1/1/21,

MIPS will offset 20% of Medicare’s 2021 reimbursement cuts for most Systems4PT practices

Looking forward, we believe that our practices’ 2020 MIPS performance will offset 30% to 40% of the 9% payment reductions in 2022.

We all hope that advocacy works, but your EMR should provide you with other proven options.

And those vitally necessary options should be free of charge and not paid add-ons.

For example, below is how our no charge MIPS program offsets part of the Medicare cuts:

With MIPS, your practice can offset 20% or more of the looming payment reductions

Systems 4PT makes it easy for you to opt. in to MIPS

For less than you pay today for EMR and billing

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