9% Medicare Cuts, Offset Strategy #3
Practice owners are advocating for their own success as they move to offset Medicare’s impending 9% fee schedule reduction.
Today we recommend our third strategy:
Lower your EMR / billing costs by MORE than the amount that Medicare is cutting your payments
For 18 years, Systems4PT’s has delivered the highest technology at the lowest price:
- Twice the Medicare compliance, documented in half the time
- The lowest documentation homework/therapist burnout in the industry
- And average 9.6% increase in collections vs. the practice’s prior approach to billing
- The highest customer satisfaction in outpatient rehab
And 33% lower cost for EMR and billing than you pay today.
Your EMR savings will more than offset your Medicare pay reductions
Example, If Medicare slashes your reimbursements by $1,000 per month, installing Systems4PT can lower your EMR / Billing costs by $2,750 each month.
Let us show you how. Every Systems4PT consultation includes an analysis of “what you’re paying today” for EMR/billing vs. “what you should be spending”.
What is your plan to offset falling revenue?
Give us a call. We’ll show you how to end documentation homework, collect more and lower costs,
All while offsetting Medicare’s 9% fee schedule reductions.