1st Quarter Review

Hard to believe we are halfway through April already!  Now is the time to review your first-quarter business metrics and make any necessary adjustments to meet your annual goals.

How are your cancellation/no-show rates? They should NEVER go above 10%.  Is there a particular therapist having trouble with cancellations/no-shows?  Is the front desk forgetting to follow up with the patients that canceled through the AAR? This data can be very important to know and Systems4PT’s reports can help you track this. Using reports and data can really help turn around your cancelation and no-show rates.

How are co-pay collections going?  Does everyone understand how important it is to collect at the time of service?  Is there a certain time of day where collections are slipping; after school when kids come without parents after the front desk staff goes home? Sysetms4PT shows you what is due at the time of check-in. We want to make sure you aren’t missing out on payments that are owed to your clinic.

You’re probably tracking your visits, new patients, charges, and A/R on a monthly basis, but this is a good time to dig a little deeper and see if they are on track for your calendar year goals.

With Systems4PT you are able to closely track all of this information with Corporate Reports.  Our system gives you important information gathered and organized through our reports to help you monitor and improve the health of your business.

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